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The world`s first (and only) 
safe and gentle emergency
brake/stop for dogs that`s 
off leash!


Releashe©™ has the same purpose as a regular leash/collar, which is to ensure that the dog does not run out into dangerous situations. Many do it by holding their dog back by the throat (collar).
We do it by holding back their hind legs.


Our advantage is that we give the dog 100% freedom and joy! 
We also remove all the dangers associated with the leash between the dog and owner.

Many dog experts say you can NEVER 100% trust your recall on your dog in the wild. Done talking!... so then it`s either a regular leash/long leash, or 100% freedom and lots of exercise with the Releashe©™ harness!

Sorry, this video only in Norwegian

(Currently only available in Norway)

Our Clients Say

"For me, this has been a crazy enrichment in our dog ownership."

Bård Soltun, Surgeon at Harstad Hospital

Releashe©™ has the same purpose as a regular
dog leash, but with some nice advantages:

Skader med halsbånd.png

More gentle stop than
a regular leash!

Releashe©™ causes less pain and reduces the potential for neck injuries typically caused by using a regular leash and collar or a poorly adjusted harness. A study from Sweden shows that as many as 91% of active dogs suffer from neck trauma caused by the collar. 

(see the article here)

Releashe©™ uses the dog's own way to stop running by gradually lowering the stride length of the hind legs.

A regular collar also stops the hind legs from moving, but in a more uncomfortable way through the throat!


There are many examples of injuries caused by the leash (see link below!). When riding a mountain bike, you don`t have any safe option for bringing your best friend with you, on the very best way to exercise the dog.

(the inventor has a permanently broken shoulder caused by bike riding with a leash, which started the whole process).

Releashe©™ removes all the potential injury, both for dog and owner, caused by using a leash.

Less potential risk than the regular leash


Releashe©™ is a safe way to stop the dog! 

On the market there are no safe products to stop your dog from running away when it`s off leash (and not obeying you).

The alternative is either very painful - an electric shock collar (which is illegal), or you have to use a longline, which is impractical in the wild and difficult to grab hold of if the dog runs off.

Ideally, the dog should stop through trained commands, but it is unfortunately difficult to train convocation on hares, reindeer, sheep + +

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But most important of all...

Every year, there are far too many animals that are injured by unleashed dogs, also when leashes are legally required. Many are attacked by dogs the owners have "full control" over. Most dog owners feel guilty for not giving their dogs enough exercise. That`s why they often let them run without leash.

Unleashed dogs move a lot more, and thereby exercising muscles they can`t do on a leash.


With Releashe the dog's health will increase

and trips to the vet will decrease.



But Releashe©™ also have some disadvantages...

Since braking takes a few seconds, only use it in open areas with good visibility around your dog (minimum 30m).

Never in urban areas, near people or other animals!

Why Releashe©™ ?

In short: A free dog is a happy dog!

With Releashe© ™ you give MAX love and health for your dog through more freedom... and more freedom result in more exercise, who result in a happier dog!


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Tested on many dogs

Tested on more than 100 dogs and on a period over 10 years.

No damage so far!

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A renewed trust

With the safety in your hand, you can give and get renewed trust when you see that your dog behaves when it`s free from the leash. 


A clear signal

Releashe © ™ gives a far clearer signal of what a dog owner wants than any other device on the market.


Pure love for the dogs




Calmer owners & dogs

As a dog owner, you can lower your shoulders a little more when the dog is free from the leash

Free from the leash.jpg

Sometimes it hurts

As a dog owner it hurts when you hear that 7-8 year old dogs has never been able to run and play free from the leash. 

87% dog owners from the test period would recomend the product to others, 13% was a bit unsure without a training school, 0% would not recomend! 


Still not convinced? Talk to someone who has tested Releashe©™ for many years!


Frank Jøran Loktu

  • Facebook Social Ikon

Frank Jøran was one of the very first to get the Releashe for test back in 2015. Have been using it very often up until recently. 

We are so greatful for all the positive publicity you have given us and the Releashe harness all the way!


Geir & Lene Jørgensen

  • Facebook Social Ikon

Geir and Lene have been some of our best and long tasting dog owners, and have given us valuable feedback all the way. Geir has LOTS of experience from dogs and also have a coach education from CANIS. Ellen Eliseussen has also contributed as a "dog sitter" for their lovly Herman, and praises the harness. 


Knut Stokmo

  • Facebook Social Ikon

Long term dog owner and active in the dog community. Thanks for all your positive feedback and effort to help us forward! 

We should maybe clarify that none of these testers work for Dog Activities,

nor do they received any money from us!


Look through some feedback from the testgroup. Give us a hint and we can add you to this group. Then you can see honest feedback from different users!

(Background picture: A tired dog after a long day running around free from the leash)

Meet the team


Per Mikal Eriksen

Accounting, strategy, product development, sales + +

Verdiskapern AS


Frode Eldevik

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Entrepreneur / inventor, industrial designer, graphic design, web, sales + +

Eldevik Industridesign AS


Håvard Tømmerås

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Strategist, business developer, product development, sales ++

Finacial Risk Management 



Dog Activities AS, Bergsveien 75,

9475 Borkenes


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©2022 by Dog Activities AS

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